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March 30, 2023

Lead Paint in the Home: What You Need to Know

June 25, 2015

Aside from the occasional recall of imported toys and other products that contain lead-based paint, you probably don’t hear much about the dangers of lead in your home. Yet thousands of children every year suffer from lead poisoning, and other family members may also have dangerously heightened levels of lead in their blood. In many cases, the lead comes not from toys, but from inside the house itself!

Think your house is safe from lead issues? Read on to find out.


Design a Family Room That Fits the Entire Family

June 19, 2015

A family room is exactly what it’s named: A room in your home the entire family can enjoy. The devotion to family time must be considered when designing and decorating this space. With this in mind, also consider how the decor of the rest of your home fits with your personal taste and style, and the ambiance will flow throughout the rooms.

Plan a family room that everyone is sure to love and enjoy together, and it may become your favorite room in the home. Here are some ideas to get you there.


An Ode to the Suburbs: Why Suburbs Are Still Right for Most Americans

June 12, 2015

The city or the suburbs? It’s a debate that’s been raging for some time now, and over the past five years or so, it appeared the scales were tipping back toward urban-living proponents. But something funny happened on the way to the city. Urban population growth is slowing, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Sure, urban growth still outpaces growth in the suburbs – but not quite as quickly as in previous years. Census Bureau statistics show that “of the 51 largest metropolitan regions in the U.S. in 2013, just 18 of them saw faster growth in cities than suburbs…compared with 25 in 2012,” reported Time’s Josh Sanburn.

Most of the folks moving back to the ‘burbs live in the nation’s Southern and Western regions. In fact, Texas saw the largest migration of its urban core to the suburbs.

So, what’s the big attraction of an area that causes you to practically live in your car as you get to and from work? There are still many reasons to love suburban life.