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Don’t Forget to Winterize Your Home—Steps You Can Take Today

October 19, 2014

in Home Inspection | Tagged , , , , ,

What if we told you there’s a way to make your home feel warmer, no matter how frigid the air is outdoors? And that your heating bills could actually drop, leaving more money in your pocket every month? Winterizing your home saves energy (meaning money) all year long, helps keep you comfy and prevents common […]

Is Your Front Door Welcoming?

February 1, 2013

in Home Improvement, Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , , , ,

Creating indoor/outdoor transitions that welcome and complement your home can add to your home’s curb appeal and value. People often think only about the value of their house and what’s going on inside, but your front door is the first impression your visitors get of your home. Make it a good one. Entries That Welcome […]