How to Lower Your Heating and Cooling Costs
September 5, 2014
in Home Improvement Tagged air conditioning, bills, cooling, costs, efficiency, energy, heat, utilitiesWhen temperatures drop below freezing or rise to the point of sweltering, does it seem like your wallet develops leaks? If keeping your home comfortable year-round taxes your budget or tempts you to forgo comfort, you need to find a better way. Try implementing simple methods to lower your heating and cooling bills. Save on […]
Energy Inspections for Home Sales
June 29, 2012
in Home Improvement, Home Inspection, Tips When Selling a Home Tagged audit, efficiency, efficient, energy, home sales, inspectionThe global conscience regarding the environment has rapidly shifted in recent years, and an interest in saving energy (and money!) is shared by many people in all demographics. Homebuyers in particular are making more energy efficient choices in the search for their next home. As a result, energy inspections for home sales are increasingly an […]