10 Tips for a Green Home
“Going green” means living in a way that’s environmentally friendly. It uses less water, less electricity, and less fuel, conserving natural resources while protecting the environment. It also saves money on utility bills, which is something all homeowners can appreciate. From simple to elaborate, here are a few ways to green your house and property. […]
DIY Flooring Installation
October 4, 2013
in Home Improvement Tagged DIY flooring, environment, flooring, hardwood, laminate, tileInstalling a new floor is a great way to liven up your house. Before you change your floor, however, you need to decide what type of flooring is best suited to your budget and lifestyle. Hardwood floors are a classic choice, while many homeowners prefer the ease of tile or the affordability of laminate flooring. […]
Eco-friendly Kitchen Floors
March 15, 2013
in Home Improvement Tagged bamboo, cork, eco, environment, flooring, floors, hardwood, kitchen, sustainable, woodGet into the groove of sustainable living through eco-friendly kitchen floors. With the growing numbers of sustainable products, going green is definitely here to stay! And there’s no better way to start your eco-friendly lifestyle than at the heart of your home, the kitchen. Making green choices can seem overwhelming, especially with the growing options […]
Considering Alternative Energy for Your Home
September 29, 2011
in Home Improvement Tagged alternative energy, energy, environment, renewable energey, solar energy, solar powerWhether or not one believes global warming is an issue to be concerned about, it’s hard to refute the evidence that the world’s carbon dioxide production is the main cause of the warming of our planet. To slow the effect, more individuals and corporations are doing their part to minimize their carbon footprint. Recent advancements […]