How to Create a Butterfly Garden
June 6, 2014
in Home Improvement Tagged butterflies, butterfly, garden, gardening, landscape, landscapingWho doesn’t love a butterfly? Most people think of aesthetic value when they consider the benefits of butterflies. But beyond their good looks, butterflies are an important link in the ecosystem. The adult insects and their larvae are critical to the food chain and provide nutrition for many birds, bats, and insect-eating animals. When butterflies […]
Chemical-Free Weed Prevention Tactics
February 7, 2014
in Home Improvement Tagged garden, gardening, landscape, landscaping, organic, weedsIf there’s one thing all gardeners hate, it is weeds. Fortunately, there are a number of chemical-free tactics you can use to control weeds in your garden. And in the long run, most of them will be cheaper than spending money on toxic, synthetic chemical weed controls. A weed, by definition, is any plant that […]
Tips for Growing an Herb Garden
Herbs are some of the easiest, most versatile and useful plants to grow. If you’re going to start a garden for the first time, try growing herbs. Many of them grow with very little care, and if you live in a condominium or townhome with limited space, herbs can easily be grown in containers. Whether […]
Bird Feeders: Basic Considerations
July 19, 2013
in Home Improvement Tagged bird feeder, birds, garden, gardening, landscape, landscapingPlacing bird feeders in your garden won’t make up for lost habitat, but a well-placed bird feeder can allow you to see wild birds up close and create an awareness of nature. Before purchasing or building a bird feeder, there are a few basic things to consider, including which birds to feed, how much seed you […]
Is Your Garden Really Green? Creating an Eco-Friendly Landscape Design
May 17, 2013
in Home Improvement Tagged eco, eco-friendly, garden, gardening, green, landscape, landscapingYou may have the greenest lawn on the block, but is your garden really “green,” meaning ecologically friendly? Often the answer is a resounding “NO.” Just the fact that you have a lawn at all can be an indicator that your landscape is not as green as it could be. Lawns generally need more water […]
Creating Curb Appeal: 6 Ways to Improve Your Home’s First Impression
April 26, 2013
in Home Improvement, Tips When Selling a Home Tagged curb appeal, landscape, landscapingYou’ve probably heard the old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” That’s true in life, and it’s true in real estate. If you’re in the process of selling your home, take a moment to walk across the street and look at your home with a critical eye. What are […]
Designing a DIY Water Feature
Water features come in all shapes and sizes, from tabletop fountains to the powerful, towering jets at The Bellagio in Las Vegas. Obviously, the construction of large water features is best left to the professionals, but for smaller projects, it’s possible to design a DIY water feature in a single afternoon. This article will outline […]
Your Garden is an Outdoor Room
March 1, 2013
in Home Improvement Tagged backyard, garden, gardening, landscape, landscaping, outdoor, patio, paving, privacy, yardUnless you’re a natural green thumb, you probably feel a bit daunted by what to do with your backyard. If you’ve moved into a new housing development, chances are you have a patch of lawn, a tree or two, and a few shrubs. If you just purchased an older home with an established garden, you […]
Creating Indoor/Outdoor Transitions
Even if your outdoor space is limited to a tiny patch of concrete outside your back door, when planned as part of a cohesive design with the rest of your home, an outdoor space of any size can have a big impact. Most people wouldn’t dream of neglecting the transition between two interior spaces of […]
Quick Guide for Starting Vegetable Gardens
October 26, 2012
in Home Improvement Tagged food, garden, gardening, landscape, landscaping, vegetable, vegetablesSo, you purchased a home, started a home garden, and now you’re ready for the next step: growing food. Not only is vegetable gardening a fun way to reduce your grocery bills, many edible plants are also ornamental. If you think a veggie patch has to be unattractive, think again. If you’re just starting out, […]