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4 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Landlord

January 17, 2014

in Investment Property, Renting a House | Tagged , , , , ,

When considering whether or not to buy investment property, searching for good advice can lead to even more frustration. After all, there is a lot more to consider than the simple messages you find on many websites, like: “Home prices are at rock bottom and interest rates are at historic lows!” Your best bet, when […]

Digging for Gold – Investing in Condemned Properties

September 28, 2012

in Investment Property | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

To some people, broken windows, dilapidated roofs or collapsing porches mean trouble. People like Kenny Rushing, a Tampa, Florida-based real estate investor, see dollar signs. “More than 60 percent of the houses I have bought in Tampa were condemned properties,” says Rushing. “I have yet to lose money on those.” How Properties get Condemned Local […]

Smart Real Estate Investing for the New Rebound

September 7, 2012

in Investment Property | Tagged , , , , , , ,

A new real estate boom appears to be taking root and spreading across the U.S., but is this really the investment opportunity of a lifetime or are we being set up for another exploding bubble? What Would Warren Buffett Do? Legendary investor Warren Buffett has been known to dominate the headlines and even made the […]

Selling Your Commercial Property in Today’s Market

August 31, 2012

in Investment Property | Tagged , , , , , , ,

If you thought selling a home was difficult in this market, trying to cash in on a commercial property can be even more challenging. What can you do to sell yours faster? What Challenges do Commercial Property Sellers Face? The biggest difference in selling a commercial property compared to a home has to be the […]

A Quick Guide to Buying a Home for a Parent

August 17, 2012

in Home Buying Guide | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

Allowing your mom or dad to live at home in a property you provide is a wonderful gift – a way to say thanks for all they’ve done for you, and a way to be sure that they’re safe and comfortable. If you’re thinking about buying a home for a parent, you have several options […]

Buying Vacation Home Properties: What You Need to Know

May 25, 2012

in Home Buying Guide | Tagged , , , , , ,

Ah, the vay-cay! We work for it, we live for it — typically fifty weeks of the year. When the time finally rolls around, many Americans have their own slice of heaven in which to spend their well-deserved time off: a vacation home. Whether it’s a cottage by the beach, a house in the mountains […]

Investors and Rentals Continue to Rule the Housing Market

February 24, 2012

in This Week in Real Estate | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

Looking to Invest? Consider the South If you’re thinking about investing in the housing market, your destination should be Atlanta, Phoenix or Miami. And not just because of the nicer weather. That’s where the most attractive assets are, says Marc Faber, editor of Gloom Boom & Doom report. Faber told CNBC that the Southern markets […]

5 Cities Buck Real Estate Trends While Housing Market Still Struggles

January 6, 2012

in This Week in Real Estate | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

The Debate Over Fannie and Freddie Does the answer to falling home prices and rising foreclosures lie in empowering Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? That’s what the Federal Reserve thinks. The Fed told Congress this week that part of the remedy for the long ailing housing market could be in allowing the mortgage Goliaths to […]