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Selling Your Home: 3 Must-Knows Before You List

September 12, 2014

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , ,

Sometimes the hardest part of selling a home is making the decision to sell it. Our homes give us roots, provide sanctuary, house memories and, hopefully, give us some financial security. It’s a huge decision to sell a home. Once made, however, additional decisions will come fast and furious, so take some time now, before […]

How to Depersonalize Your Home for Sale

August 9, 2013

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged ,

Making the decision to sell your home begins a journey of a thousand steps. From hiring a real estate agent to getting the home ready for the market, there is a lot to do. Luckily, homeowners have a tool belt full of items that make the job easier. The most powerful tool of them all […]

5 Tips for the Best Home Showings

July 12, 2013

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , ,

Home routines tend to come to a standstill while your home is on the market. The need to keep the house clean  – and not scare potential homebuyers away – means that kids can’t throw their school books on the dining room table, Dad has to pick up his stinky socks, and even the pets need […]

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling a House

April 19, 2013

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , ,

Lucky is the homeowner who has experience with selling a home. First-time sellers have a steep learning curve ahead of them and many obstacles on the road to a successful sale. Although common with first-time sellers, some of these obstacles aren’t obvious. 1. Not Preparing the Home for Sale “Dress your house for success,” is […]

How to Stage a Vacant House

February 22, 2013

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

Most homeowners learn about the value of staging their homes for sale from their real estate agents. The statistics are clear: Staged homes sell quicker and for more money. What happens when you don’t live in the home? If you’ve used it as a rental or had to move to the new home before putting […]

The Real Estate Transaction: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

December 14, 2012

in Home Buying Guide, Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , , , , , , , , ,

“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” While Edward Murphy was referring to the use of new measurement devices, his rule can be aptly applied to the real estate transaction without a hiccup. From the very first step – getting preapproved for a mortgage – to choosing a real estate agent to the close […]

Help Sell My Home Fast: Should I Sell My House and Carry the Contract?

September 21, 2012

in Tips When Selling a Home | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In slow markets, when homes just don’t seem to move as quickly as we’d like them to, offering seller financing may be the key to getting a home sold. With the sluggish real estate market of the last few years, seller financing has been dramatically increasing in popularity, but is it a smart move for […]

Selling Your Commercial Property in Today’s Market

August 31, 2012

in Investment Property | Tagged , , , , , , ,

If you thought selling a home was difficult in this market, trying to cash in on a commercial property can be even more challenging. What can you do to sell yours faster? What Challenges do Commercial Property Sellers Face? The biggest difference in selling a commercial property compared to a home has to be the […]