Help Sell My Home Fast: Should I Sell My House and Carry the Contract?
September 21, 2012
in Tips When Selling a Home Tagged contract, financing, homeowner, lender, lending, loan, loans, mortgage, owner, property, real estate, sell, seller, sellingIn slow markets, when homes just don’t seem to move as quickly as we’d like them to, offering seller financing may be the key to getting a home sold. With the sluggish real estate market of the last few years, seller financing has been dramatically increasing in popularity, but is it a smart move for […]
Strict Lending Standards & Foreclosures Taking Their Toll
February 3, 2012
in Home Foreclosures, Mortgage Interest Rates, This Week in Real Estate Tagged foreclosure, home building, home sales, housing market, lending, mortgage rates, new home construction, real estate market, real estate newsNew Home Orders Rise Looks like the market for new homes is on the mend. Orders for new homes increased in the quarter ended December, bringing a much needed cheer to the home building industry.The news has made the chief executives for some of the nation’s biggest home building companies cautiously optimistic about a market […]